Striving for the Summit
Guided by the custom-built app, teams play the role of an Expedition Team on a multi-level journey. Fun and engaging challenges earn the team's points and move them up the levels. Different roles include 'Climbers' and The Expedition Leader, who must combine their various instructions and knowledge. The ultimate goal is to successfully travel from Base Camp to the summit and take a celebratory team photo "on the top". There are options to include varied physical challenges, customised company questions and add a powerful CSR component to the challenge. Effective communication, rapid decision making and strategic planning around Risk v Reward are transferable learning outcomes.
Playing the role of a virtual Expedition team in fun but time-pressured simulation helps teams explore the new rules of engagement and become more effective virtual team players. Effective communication, rapid decision making and strategic planning around Risk v Reward are vital learning outcomes. The fun shared experience of problem-solving, creativity, and a team focus on the final goal–the Summit! It is an experiential experience directly transferable to the workplace for teams.
Ši programa buvo sukurta tiek vienoje, tiek skirtingose lokacijose dirbančioms, nuotolinėms bei hibridinėms komandoms. Jei Jūsų komanda dirba iš namų, iš skirtingų biurų ar net skirtingų šalių – parašykite mums ir pasiūlysime kaip pritaikyti veiklą pagal Jūsų poreikius.